Taking charge of your smile can feel a little overwhelming, but worry not; we’ve got your back on this journey. We know the challenges that come from crafting a new smile, from being mindful of snacking habits to changing your brushing routine. That’s why we’re giving you our support and sharing some valuable tips from our trusted orthodontic connoisseur, Dr. Booth. Here’s how to get the most out of your orthodontic treatment.

Tip #1: Don’t Let An Appointment Slip Through The Cracks

Don’t let a single appointment get lost in your busy schedule. Our goal is to make sure your treatment is as effective as possible. However, missing an appointment can prolong your treatment and even harm your results. You want the best for your smile, and we want to help you achieve it, so keeping on track with your appointments is critical for your orthodontic success.

Routine appointments ensure your treatment stays on course, allowing your orthodontist to check and analyze your teeth’s progress. Regular office visits will allow us to make any tweaks to your treatment, answer any questions you might have, and double-check that you’re following your plan. 

Depending on your plan, you can expect the following at each appointment:

  • We will replace your elastic bands as the old ones lose their effectiveness.
  • We will provide you with a new set of aligners as your teeth shift between appointments.
  • We will tighten the wires around your braces, keeping your progress on track.

Tip #2: Stick To Your Orthodontist’s Instructions

Getting that shiny new smile can sometimes be a bumpy ride, but trust us; it’s worth it. Not keeping to your orthodontist’s instructions can bring problems, from broken wires and popped-off brackets to cavities and gum disease, but trusting your orthodontist will take the guesswork out of your treatment plan. 

Whether you have regular braces or Invisalign aligners, you’ll have a tailor-made treatment plan just right for you.  Remembering which rules to follow, such as keeping up with your dietary restrictions, showing up for your appointments, and maintaining a top-notch oral hygiene routine, ensures you’re on track.  We’ll provide all the information you need to help you stay active and comfortable during your treatment. Remember, we give you the plan, but it’s up to you to make it happen. If at any time you have any questions or concerns, we highly encourage you to discuss them with your orthodontist. After all, honesty is the best policy! 

4 Reasons to Get Adult Braces

Tip #3: Be Aware Of Your Oral Hygiene

New braces are a significant milestone, but the journey to a glowing smile is just beginning. Although you’ve been brushing your teeth since you were young, cleaning new dental appliances can take some getting used to. Your new appliance comes with new rules to follow, and we’ve broken them down to help you take care of your braces or clear aligners.


Just like braces, making sure to brush and floss your teeth makes all the difference. Unlike braces, removing your aligner opens new doorways for bacteria and plaque buildup. Brushing and cleaning your aligners keeps them in top shape so that you can use them more safely for extended periods of time. Remember, after removing your aligners to eat or drink, cleaning your teeth before putting them back in is imperative to the success of your treatment plan. 


Regular brushing and flossing will help prevent the staining of your teeth from braces and plaque formation. Depending on what your orthodontist recommends, adding an interdental toothbrush, using a floss threader, or even rinsing your mouth out with water after a meal can help loosen and clean debris in hard-to-reach places. Plus, staying on top of your oral hygiene can help you avoid common dental issues that can delay your treatment.

Tip #4: Stay Away From These Foods And Drinks

New appliances mean new rules, especially when it comes to what you eat and drink. The goal is to protect any new devices you have, which means you’ll have to block off some potential favorite snacks, but don’t worry; it’s not forever!

Sticky and Acidic – It’s a standard rule to avoid caramel treats or gum, but there are other sticky or acidic foods to steer clear of. Sticky foods can pull essential pieces out of place, which could require an emergency visit back to your orthodontist. But that’s not all; acidic foods and drinks like pineapple or soda can attack the enamel on your teeth, paving the way for cavities. 

Sugars and Starch – Food and drinks with high sugar content or heavy with starch can create plaque buildup around braces. Plaque can cause stains on your teeth, cavities, and even gum disease.

Hard and Crunchy – Some braces, like ceramic braces, can be particularly fragile. To make sure your wires and brackets stay safe, you should be careful when biting into hard foods like ice, pretzels, or apples.

No one likes changing their diets, but when it comes to crafting your perfect smile, cutting out some essential foods and drinks can make all the difference.

Dr. Booth gives support and shares some valuable tips on how to get the most out of your orthodontic treatment.

Join The Family and Visit us at Booth Orthodontics

At Booth Orthodontics, our team of experts is here to help you during your orthodontic treatment. Our goal is to prepare you to be aware, comfortable, and ready to come in and see us. Contact us to schedule your free consultation and find out what treatment will work for you. Booth Orthodontics is ready for you and ready to bring your goal smile to reality.