As a parent, you want your child to be happy with their smile and maintain great oral hygiene. Two-phase treatment with Booth Orthodontics offers the opportunity to catch issues early and ensure your child can get the treatment they deserve. Making braces down the road an easier time, Dr. Booth can help your child achieve a great smile through a personalized approach. So, what treatment options are used during two-phase treatment? 

What is the Two-Phase Treatment?

Two-phase orthodontic treatment is a specialized treatment option for orthodontists to help kids protect their jaw development and successfully let their permanent teeth grow with little to no intervention later in life. Involving two rounds and a rest phase in between, the end goal is to ensure your child has the straightest smile possible. Treatment is always tailored to the specific needs of the patient. 

Importance of Early Orthodontic Treatment

Booth Orthodontics recommends children get checked out by the age of seven. This allows us to detect any potential problems, take proactive steps to avoid them becoming severe later in your child’s life and help them properly maintain a good foundation. Two-phase treatment is not necessary for every child, but starting early to take these precautionary steps can help Dr. Booth rule it out as opposed to learning the benefits too late. 

If your child is experiencing difficulty chewing, has a misaligned bite, jaw pain, or protruding teeth, these are signs they can benefit from early intervention. To determine the best next steps for your child, you can schedule a free consultation with us to see how we can help!  

Phase One

Also referred to as early interceptive treatment, phase one involves determining what issues are present and what treatment options are available to help fix them, as well as establishing an easier treatment plan in phase two. Typically beginning between the ages of seven and 11 before permanent teeth grow in, Booth Orthodontics can help to clear the path of oral obstacles. Lasting between nine to 12 months, starting at an early age, can help your child avoid invasive procedures later. 

Treatment options

Space maintainers

When your child prematurely loses a baby tooth, the teeth next to it try to move inward and crowd that space, but this is when a space maintainer comes in handy. This custom-made appliance is fitted to an existing tooth next to the empty space to hold the proper spacing and keep the gap open to prevent another tooth from taking over the space. 

Palate expanders

Children’s jaws are still malleable and able to be shifted in the correct position when they are young. Used in the case of overcrowding, palate expanders work to gradually widen the upper jaw into the correct alignment. 

It is made up of two metal parts connected by a screw and placed over the top back teeth. Dr. Booth will provide you with a special key that is turned each day to push the expander a little further apart, allowing the palatal bones to adapt to a new position. 

Partial braces

Targeting a specific area of misaligned teeth, partial braces are used to properly space crowded teeth and tackle early bite problems. It ensures the permanent ones growing in have the right amount of space without crowding further. The braces apply slight, constant pressure to shift the teeth into their proper position.

Your child may undergo a combination of these treatment options in an effort to best prepare their teeth for phase two. Each appliance does a specific job to ensure a seamless transition. 

What Treatment Options Are Used During Two-Phase Treatment?

Waiting Period

Once the first phase is complete, there is an intermission of time before the next phase. During this period, your child will come in twice a year so Dr. Booth can observe the progress of their teeth through x-rays and other examinations as well as wait for all permanent teeth to complete growing in. 

Earlier work with appliances should have created the proper space for them each to erupt correctly. We may even give your child a retainer in the meantime to ensure the work from phase one is maintained. At the end of this phase, Dr. Booth can then start building on the successful results of phase one.

Phase Two

The work that most people associate with orthodontic offices is the braces or aligners phase! Unlike partial braces, phase two treatments work with both the upper and lower teeth at the same time to establish the best alignment for your child’s teeth and provide the smile they deserve. Beginning with a great base, thanks to the successful results of phase one, this phase will already be easier for your child.

Treatment options

Metal braces

A reliable treatment choice that has benefited countless patients, traditional metal braces are probably what you envision when you think of braces. Over the years, as orthodontics has advanced, this option has become more comfortable than ever and proves to be an extremely effective way of correcting oral issues for all ages. It is durable and long-lasting, and you can start to see the effects in no time. 

Clear braces

Made of ceramic, these tooth-colored braces offer a less visible option than metal braces while doing the same work. A popular option for adults and teens looking to straighten their teeth more discreetly, they blend into your child’s teeth and allow for controlled movement.

Invisalign for teens

A great treatment option for those who want an alternative to braces, Invisalign offers a nearly invisible look and efficient treatment over a shorter period of time. Unlike braces, this removable appliance allows for straightening teeth with ease and no food restrictions! 

What Treatment Options Are Used During Two-Phase Treatment?

Embark On The First Step Towards Two-Phase Treatment With Your Child!

Two-phase treatment sets your child up for success down the road and allows for an overall easier orthodontic experience. The sooner diagnoses are made, the earlier Booth Orthodontics can work to prevent issues from worsening later. We strive to make all of the patients feel at home when they enter our Homer Glen offices! Call our offices at 708-301-0005 to schedule a free consultation so we can support your family’s orthodontic journey!